Understanding John 14:6

You may be wondering what sort of a poster this is that you have seen on the bus. Put simply, it contains the words of a verse found in the Bible, God's Word to mankind, and its message has everything to do with you! Let me explain. You see, the original audience to these words was a mixed bunch, namely, the Lord Jesus' twelve disciples. Jesus is teaching them that He won't be with them forever, but that He's going "to prepare a place for them." He goes on to describe this place as being "His Father's house," (Heaven) and indicates that they will join Him there someday. The disciples are confused; some of them are anxious. One of them expresses popular sentiment when he says, "Lord, we know not where you are going: how can we know the way?" At this point Jesus answers, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."

So, what does this have to do with you? Well, God wants you in Heaven, but like the disciples, you can't get there unless you know the way.


Jesus is the Son of God, and you can trust what He says. It is by the authority of who He is, God, that He could answer the question, "How can we know?" He has given everything He had, His life, for you. You see, we have all sinned against God. God knew that our sin had to be punished, but because of His amazing love for us, He sent His Son to be punished so that we wouldn't have to be. Jesus Christ knew the whole plan, from beginning to end, and He was willing to become the Sacrifice that would take our place. Such love has got to be trustworthy!


Popular belief says that there are many ways to God, and that an individual only needs to choose a way that's agreeable to himself. Jesus (God Himself) says otherwise when He declares Himself to be "The (singular) Way." Hebrews 10:19-20 describes the "new and living way" by which we can have access into God's holy presence. The Way is living, because although Jesus died as punishment for our sins, God raised Him from the dead. He is living today in Heaven, and those who put their trust in Him have found The Way. They will never experience the punishment that they deserve.


When Jesus referred to Himself as the Truth, He was saying a lot. Several days earlier (John 8:32), He had been teaching that a knowledge of the truth would make one free. By calling Himself the Truth, He was saying that He had the power to set people free from the guilt of their sins and anxiety over their future. Amazingly, He has the same power today! Those who believe that the sacrifice Jesus made of Himself is good enough to take away their sin can know immediately that their sins are forgiven. They are at peace with God, and they are destined for Heaven when they die. That's true freedom!


A person who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is given new life, and nothing can compare to the joy that's found in it. First, a believer can go through life knowing that the God who loves them is in control. The believer can have peace through the various difficulties of life, knowing that the Spirit of God is present at all times, guiding and comforting. But more than this, when Jesus called Himself The Life, He was teaching that faith in Him results in eternal life. This means that though all believers will certainly die physically, they will go to Heaven when they die and be with Christ forever.


Once again, Christ is emphasizing that there is only One Way, One Truth, and One Life... Himself. And why would someone need to come to the Father? Because one day, everyone who has ever lived will be forced to acknowledge that He, God, is the powerful Creator and Ruler of the universe. You can choose how you will face Him. You can insist that your own way is good enough, and find out that it isn't when you answer to God personally. Or, you can accept Christ's work on your behalf and be made perfect in God's eyes by trusting in Him. You will never regret a decision to trust Christ. Trust Him now!

Jesus said, "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me."    

John 14:6